As of February 1st ALL REPLICA / IMITATION GUNS are legal to own without license in QLD.
From February 1st 2021 ALL REPLICA / IMITATION GUNS will be legal to own without license in QLD.
This includes those that were previously categorised as Replica Category R firearms such as replica Machine Guns and Submachine Guns. They WILL NOT need to be licenced from Feb 1st.
Owners of replica / imitation firearms simply need to have a reasonable excuse for owning them. QLD Police Weapons Licensing confirms that the term “reasonable excuse” is a very broad term and it is taken to mean anything that would not be considered unreasonable.
This encompasses enthusiasts wishing to start a collection of replica guns, militaria collectors, re-enactors, museums and simple man-cave enthusiasts. There are of course responsibilities for owners to use and store them sensibly so as never to cause public alarm, point them at anyone without permission or use them to commit a crime.
In a nutshell:
Replica firearms are NOT a category of weapon.
Replicas firearms do NOT require a licence.
Replica firearms are NOT registered with Weapons Licensing.
You are NOT required to be a member of an Association to support a reasonable excuse when possessing a replica.
You can own as many replicas as you like.
It is reasonable to possess a replica firearm until you use it in an unreasonable way.
Please review the "STOP and Think” material we send out with our guns for more information.