Denix replica guns for historical re-enactment

In Australia we are very fortunate to have some of the world’s most highly regarded historical re-enactment and living history groups.
Sabre Militaria is proud to supply quality Denix replica historical weapons to Australian living history groups who integrate them into their impressions, encampments and training activities.
For decades historical re-enactment has been a highly credible way of studying and exploring the past.
By bringing to life the military equipment, tactics and training approaches of the past those studying those periods of history can obtain far greater depth of understanding. Assumptions and conclusions about historical military events can also be analysed and even challenged in the light of what can be understood via ‘living history, approaches.
In QLD Sabre is proud to support the Queensland Living History Federation and its groups. Their largest event is held in June each year (pandemic permitting) and is called ‘History Alive’.
This event has to be seen to be believed. Re-enactors from all walks of life, and of all ages, faithfully reproduce encampments, battles and the day-to-day life of warriors and people ranging from Ancient Rome and the Dark Ages through the Middle Ages to the World Wars and even into the Cold War.
For people to see these camps, battles and equipment up close and personal is an educational and entertainment opportunity far beyond what any book or documentary can deliver.
One of the groups who make use of our Denix replica guns is 3 Komapanie who are pictured in this article using some great WW2 German replica guns by Denix (such as the StG44, MP40 and K98). They help bring to life the history of WW2.
About this group:
3 Kompanie is a Queensland based World War Two re-enactment group and a member of The Queensland Living History Federation. 3 Kompanie’s primary impression is of World War Two German soldiers (17th SS Gotz von Berlichingen and Luftwaffe ground forces divisions) and the female auxiliary groups such as the German Red Cross that provided medical care to front line troops. 3 Kompanie is non-political, and neither supports nor condones any racist, extremist or radical political movements.
They hope to educate the public of the life and experiences of the average person in conflict by accurately portraying them in displays, re-enactments and educational programs.
To find out more about this and other groups, and the great events staged by QLHF, check out the QLHF website
